Alperen Bugra
Informazioni su Alperen Bugra
My name is Alperen Bugra HOS. I am 23 years old, I am here as an Erasmus student.
I have a medium level of English. My department is Veterinary Medicine. I also have a dog care certificate that I received online. I don't know Italian. In the photos there is a screenshot of my student document and certificate.
I didn't get the certificate as a document because ıt wanted too much money. :) I really like animals. I have 2 cats and 1 dog in my own country. I won't be doing home care because I'm staying here in a dorm. I really like my profession very much. The biggest reason for this is that I like animals.
I came from Turkey and have been here for about 1 month. I have a 5 month training here and then I will return to my country.
I am studying at the University of Padova. I didn't take any classes from the Veterinary Medicine department here because my classes didn't match up. That's why I'm studying Animal Care here.
In addition, one of the reasons I started a profile here is because of the financial difficulties of coming from Turkey and living here. I am experienced in animal care, you can trust me easily. Both professionally and as a cat and dog owner.
I have knowledge of dog training, but I am not a professional, so I don't offer this service.
Evening walks are my preference for dog walking. Walks will be conducted in such a way that they are at least 1 hour. A home visit is something I haven't experienced before, but if the conditions are right, I can stay for 1 day to 1 week. It depends on my current calendar. It can take up to night, as my preference for home sit-ins will be after noon.
Alperen Bugra offre ...
A casa di Alperen Bugra
A casa tua
Passeggiata cane
Passeggiate su misura per il tuo cane con dog walker espertida 9 € /passeggiata, 5 € /animale domestico aggiuntivoUna visita al giorno
Prenota un pet sitter che passi a casa tua per dare da mangiare e giocare con il tuo animale.da 10 € /giornoDue visite al giorno
Due visite a casa per il tuo animale domesticoda 16 € /giornoHouse sitting
Il sitter pernotta a casa tua per prendersi cura dell'animale mentre sei viada 25 € /notteAlperen Bugra può accettare
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lun | mar | mer | gio | ven | sab | dom |
lun | mar | mer | gio | ven | sab | dom |