Dog walker in Modena with experience
Informazioni su Laura
I am Laura, I move to Modena to study a masters, I am an automotive engineer from Mexico. I have a dog named Max, that unfortunately I had to leave temporarily at home, but I will try to bring him to Italy in the future.
Also I lived with my parents for some time and my mom has two cats named Gin & Tonic. Back in Mexico close to my house there was a dog park where Max and I had a lot of human/dog friends and on the weekends we took the dogs to the mountains.
Beside walking my dog two times per day, when I was in university I used to walk a dog several times per day, and was a Bernese Mountain Dog, so I know how to handle big dogs.
I also like to run, so in order to exercise the dogs I could do that too.
I miss Max everyday that is why I would like to be around dogs so your best friend is in the best hands.
At the moment I only speak English and Spanish.
Laura offre ...
A casa di Laura
A casa tua
Passeggiata cane
Passeggiate su misura per il tuo cane con dog walker espertida 9 € /passeggiata, 5 € /animale domestico aggiuntivoUna visita al giorno
Prenota un pet sitter che passi a casa tua per dare da mangiare e giocare con il tuo animale.da 10 € /giornoDue visite al giorno
Due visite a casa per il tuo animale domesticoda 16 € /giornoLaura può accettare
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lun | mar | mer | gio | ven | sab | dom |
lun | mar | mer | gio | ven | sab | dom |